- The bus will never make it cross-country.
- It certainly will.
Chuck, at the service station,
said there's still plenty of life in it.
Chuck, at the service station,
doesn't know his gasket from a casket.
The only thing holding
that old jalopy together is a prayer.
What's wrong with prayer?
Nothing, Sister.
Every time I get into that old heap,
I pray to God...
for a new bus!
I can't tell you how grateful we are
for the new bus, Mr. Clancy.
- It's very generous of you.
- My pleasure, Reverend Mother.
Actually, I made a very good deal
through one of our subsidiary companies...
- and, after all, it is a tax deduction.
- Yes, I know.
Isn't it wonderful how our tax structure
brings out the best in people?
That's very good, Reverend Mother.
Girls, line up for roll call.
Devon, Janis...
Sue Ellen.
We'll take very good care of Marvel Ann,
Mr. Clancy.
- I know how you worry about her.
- Yes, thank you.
Naturally, I'll miss
not being with her this summer.
If my associates and I didn't have business
to transact in Europe...
I'd have her with me, of course.
Of course.
I really appreciate your taking her along
on the rally.
I realize that she didn't qualify exactly.
Her grades...
Other things were taken into consideration.
Goodbye, Daddy.
I'll write every day. Arrivedercil
Barbara, Hilarie...