Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows

That's very good, Reverend Mother.
Girls, line up for roll call.
Devon, Janis...
Sue Ellen.
We'll take very good care of Marvel Ann,
Mr. Clancy.

- I know how you worry about her.
- Yes, thank you.

Naturally, I'll miss
not being with her this summer.

If my associates and I didn't have business
to transact in Europe...

I'd have her with me, of course.
Of course.
I really appreciate your taking her along
on the rally.

I realize that she didn't qualify exactly.
Her grades...

Other things were taken into consideration.
Goodbye, Daddy.
I'll write every day. Arrivedercil

Barbara, Hilarie...
Marvel Ann, and now Patty.
Who you poking?
I see your devoted, sore-loser friend
didn't come to say goodbye.

Rosabelle should've been chosen to go.
Maybe Reverend Mother was afraid
she'd blow up the bus.

And, of course, the only reason
you were chosen...

is because your father donated the bus
to St. Francis.

Don't knock it.
The only crummy thing your father
ever donated to St. Francis was you.

Mother, who is that?
One of Mr. Clancy's business associates.
