And then across her forehead
was written, " mystery...
...babylon the great,
the mother of harlots!"
- You need help.
- We've come to save.
Come back to the castle,
there's protection.
Germans will shoot you,
you'll make lousy prisoners.
It's too late for that.
Did you think about that
while you sinned?
- I've got a job for you.
- Sorry, major.
You don't have to be sorry.
You're gonna do it.
- You threatening me?
- I'll blow your brains out...
...if you don't follow orders.
- What orders?
Those people are in shock,
they'll follow something.
A group, a noise.
That tambourine, a drum.
Now, sing something, play something.
Lead them to the castle.
I'll do it under protest.
I don't care how you do it,
you just do it.
- "Shall we gather at the river"?
- That's fine.
Yes, you're going up
the gangplank to home.
Your castle, your ship, has arrived!
There stands all that hope rising up
to infinity and all the beauty...
...all that love and hope and surcease!
It's all in the book,
all writ in the book!
And the end too.
Remember the ending?
That terrible ending?
That's all in the book!
I'll see you gentlemen at the castle.