Castle Keep

Yes, you're going up
the gangplank to home.

Your castle, your ship, has arrived!
There stands all that hope rising up
to infinity and all the beauty...

...all that love and hope and surcease!
It's all in the book,
all writ in the book!

And the end too.
Remember the ending?

That terrible ending?
That's all in the book!
I'll see you gentlemen at the castle.
Gentlemen, what are you doing?
We'd like some bread.
Elk and i have a plan to end the war.
- What's that?
- Win it.

It's been tried before.
Winning is for children,
generals and recruits. Get over that.

Settle for a meal, for a drink, a lay,
a house. A castle for a horse.

We thought we'd bring the major
a german tank on our shield.

What are we, in the middle ages?
Is major falconer some knight
with a flower in his ass?

Sorry, reverend.
Cut it out, sergeant.
He's a soldier.
He looks like a buffalo.

But we can't let him try it alone.
No man alone.
None of us a goddamn island.
I know the bit.

Who's gonna take care of the bakery?
You're entitled to one day off
for the war, rossi.

Don't you wanna end the war,
