l'm ''infarmin''' you that l'm here.
[ Boy Shouts ]
We do have
the Catholic encyclopedia.
They spent four and one-half years.
Now, we can't carry it,
but this'll give you an idea.
This is fantastic.
This is the brand-new renowned
Catholic encyclopedia.
Wait till you see this.
This answers 43,000
answers in the faith.
Now, this is terrific.
l'll tell you why.
This has from the Reformation,
Karl Marx, all your religions.
Now, you know theJehovah Witnesses.
They're nice people.
But they know more about our religion,
'cause they have good literature
to find out.
Uh... say Communism--
you want to look it up.
lt's in your Catholic encyclopedia
with your comparison to Catholicism--
- their thinkin', the ideology involved.
- Mm-hmm.
lt's under ''C,'' sir. But frankly,
we can't carry the set, as l mentioned.
lt's too heavy.
But this is gonna amaze you.
He's got a good personality.
Honest to God, l mean that.
He thinks l'm givin' him a sales talk.
l'm not. He has.
He's got a good personality.
But this right here is vast
in scope, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald.
And they come in red or white.
Some people prefer red and--
- What do you call this ?
- This is-- l call it antique gold.
That's what l would think, yeah.
But on that-- and that you
have your choice of colors.
Now, what color would
you folks choose on that ?
Hmm. Have you got any green ?
- [ All Laughing ]
- What plan would be more convenient ?
- [ Doorbell Ringing ]
- And l know you're sincere.
Boy, it's like
a railroad station today.