
Uh... say Communism--
you want to look it up.

lt's in your Catholic encyclopedia
with your comparison to Catholicism--

- their thinkin', the ideology involved.
- Mm-hmm.

lt's under ''C,'' sir. But frankly,
we can't carry the set, as l mentioned.

lt's too heavy.
But this is gonna amaze you.

He's got a good personality.
Honest to God, l mean that.

He thinks l'm givin' him a sales talk.
l'm not. He has.
He's got a good personality.

But this right here is vast
in scope, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald.

And they come in red or white.
Some people prefer red and--

- What do you call this ?
- This is-- l call it antique gold.

That's what l would think, yeah.
But on that-- and that you
have your choice of colors.

Now, what color would
you folks choose on that ?

Hmm. Have you got any green ?
- [ All Laughing ]
- What plan would be more convenient ?

- [ Doorbell Ringing ]
- And l know you're sincere.

Boy, it's like
a railroad station today.

But what plan would be more
convenient, then ? The cash ?

- Gee, l don't know.
- Or they have a Catholic Honor Plan.

- Good afternoon. How are you ?
- Hello.

l'm Mr. Baker from the church.
l'm from St. Brendan's.

Oh, l seen you outside of church, huh ?
You're not gonna buy another--

ls this-- Are you related,
Mrs. McDonald ?

Yeah, by friendship,
that's how. My best pal.

- ls this your best buddy ? Good.
- Sure.

- Well, l'll tell you,
you got a good friend there.
- l know l have.

I told them about those Scotchmen.
What's your last name ?

- Wadja.
- Mrs. Wadja, I said, did you hear
about the Scotchman...

that loaned the lrishman
a half a dollar ?

l'll ask you. Did you hear
about the Scotchman that loaned the--

l've heard many of them. l heard
about the one that was gonna get--

No, the Scotchman and the Jew
and the lrishman who where gonna
get a beating for something--

But, anyway,
what about the half dollar ?

- Have you ever heard about them ?
- l think l have.

l-l can't tell it to you.
But no, you say, ''l never have,''
and l'll say, ''You never will.''

- See ?
- [ Laughing ] l see.

Now, would you want to pay
it each month, then ?
