What? You've already cooked it?
Without even gutting it?
And this is how you bring it to me?
Call in the cook!
You cooked it whole...without gutting it?
Mercy, master, mercy!
Tie him up and whip him!
I made a mistake. Have mercy on me!
Pardon him, pardon him!
What are you waiting for, you wretch?
Gut it here, now!
How wonderful!
Thrushes, fatted hens,
bird gizzards!
Sausage ropes...
tender plucked doves...
Snails, livers, ham, offal...
What's so funny?
Don't you like my master's extravagances?
Are you wealthier?
Do you give better banquets?
Blockhead, scoundrel, tramp.
You dare laugh?
Are you a cavalier?
That would make me the emperor's son!
Did Papa buy you a goat?
I was laughing because it's funny.
You're not worth your own piss...
and you stink!
Did you buy your freedom? I'm a freeman.
I feed 20 mouths and a dog.
I bought my wife's freedom...
and now no one can wipe
his hands on her tits.
But what do you do?
-If you answer him, you'll just...
-You're just a fart in the water...
Enough of this nonsense, Hermeros.
Have some patience.
The boy's young, and his blood is hot.
When you were a young cock,
you crowed, too.
Give us some Homer! Begin!