What's so funny?
Don't you like my master's extravagances?
Are you wealthier?
Do you give better banquets?
Blockhead, scoundrel, tramp.
You dare laugh?
Are you a cavalier?
That would make me the emperor's son!
Did Papa buy you a goat?
I was laughing because it's funny.
You're not worth your own piss...
and you stink!
Did you buy your freedom? I'm a freeman.
I feed 20 mouths and a dog.
I bought my wife's freedom...
and now no one can wipe
his hands on her tits.
But what do you do?
-If you answer him, you'll just...
-You're just a fart in the water...
Enough of this nonsense, Hermeros.
Have some patience.
The boy's young, and his blood is hot.
When you were a young cock,
you crowed, too.
Give us some Homer! Begin!
I like to hear Greek while I'm eating.