They've stolen the hanged man!
While I was with you,
the thief's family took him away.
I know what punishment I'll get...
a horrible death.
Why should I wait for it?
I'd rather die by my own hands.
No, my dear...
To lose the two men in my life...
one after the other, would be too much...
Better to hang a dead husband...
than to lose a living lover.
"Better to hang a dead husband...
than to lose a living lover."
Poets may die, Encolpius.
But it doesn't matter, if poetry remains.
My friend,
companion of my final moments here...
You'll be able to say...
"I knew Eumolpus, the poet."
What can I say?
If I were as rich as Trimalchio,
I'd leave you some land or a ship.
But I can only leave you
what I had myself.
I leave you poetry.
I leave you the seasons...
especially spring and summer...