- I shall begin.
- Oh, please do.
Of course, I realize
it is a forgery...
just the work
of a child.
"My dear, delightful Gordon...
"your letter has moved me deeply,
as you may imagine...
"but, alas, I must ever decline
to be Mrs. Lowther.
"My reasons are twofold.
"I am dedicated
to my girls...
"as is
madame Pavlova...
"and there is another in my life...
he is Teddy Lloyd.
"Intimacy has never taken place with him.
He is married to another.
"We are not lovers,
but we know the truth.
"However, I was proud of giving myself to you
when you came and took me...
"in the bracken while
the storm raged about us.
"If I am in
a certain condition...
"I shall place the infant in the care
of a worthy shepherd and his wife.
"I may permit misconduct to occur again
from time to time as an outlet...
"because I am in my prime.
"We can also have many a... breezy day
in the fishing boat at sea.
"We must keep a sharp lookout for Miss Mackay,
however, as she's rather narrow...
"which arises from an ignorance of culture
and the Italian scene.
"I love to hear you singing
'Hey, Johnny Cope. '
"But were I to receive
a proposal of marriage tomorrow...
"from the Lord Lyon, king of arms,
I would decline it.
"Allow me,
in conclusion...
"to congratulate you warmly on your
sexual intercourse as well as your singing.
With fondestjoy,
Jean Brodie. "
Is this what your girls,
your set...
has learned under your auspices,
Miss Brodie?
It's a literary collaboration.
Two separate hands are involved.
One of the authors
slants her tail consonants...
in an unorthodox manner,
and the other does not.
Also, the paper seems
somewhat aged.
Is that all
you have to say?