"We can also have many a... breezy day
in the fishing boat at sea.
"We must keep a sharp lookout for Miss Mackay,
however, as she's rather narrow...
"which arises from an ignorance of culture
and the Italian scene.
"I love to hear you singing
'Hey, Johnny Cope. '
"But were I to receive
a proposal of marriage tomorrow...
"from the Lord Lyon, king of arms,
I would decline it.
"Allow me,
in conclusion...
"to congratulate you warmly on your
sexual intercourse as well as your singing.
With fondestjoy,
Jean Brodie. "
Is this what your girls,
your set...
has learned under your auspices,
Miss Brodie?
It's a literary collaboration.
Two separate hands are involved.
One of the authors
slants her tail consonants...
in an unorthodox manner,
and the other does not.
Also, the paper seems
somewhat aged.
Is that all
you have to say?
What else
is there to say?
Two little girls at the age
of budding sexual fantasy...
have concocted a romance
for themselves.
They've chosen me as a romantic symbol.
Is that so surprising?
Do you deny that you encourage these fantasies,
as you call them?
Do you deny that by consorting openly
with Mr. Lowther of Cramond...
you lead these poor children
into the most fevered conclusions?
Not only Mr. Lowther, but Mr. Lloyd
is brought into the circle of fire.
Mr. Lloyd, who has
a wife and... six children.
It is diabolic that infants should
be knowledgeable...
12-year-old girls
are not infants, Miss Mackay.
- How do you know they're 12 years old?
- From the handwriting...
the vocabulary,
the rudimentary knowledge of the facts of life.
Oh, surely you cannot believe that that is
the work of 9-year-olds?
I could believe it was the work
of your 9-year-olds, Miss Brodie.
There's very little
for me to say, Miss Mackay...
in the face of your
extraordinary prejudice and hostility.