Otherwise, if one more word of this
outrageous calumny reaches my ears, I shall sue!
I shall take Miss Mackay
to the public courts...
and I shall sue the trustees of Marcia Blaine,
if they support her.
I will not stand quietly by
and allow myself to be crucified...
by a woman whose fetid frustration
has overcome her judgment!
If scandal is to your taste,
Miss Mackay, I shall give you a feast!
- Miss Brodie!
- I am a teacher!
I am a teacher,
first, last, always!
Do you imagine
that for one instant...
I will let that be taken
from me without a fight?
I have dedicated, sacrificed
my life to this profession.
And I will not stand by
like an inky little slacker...
and watch you rob me
of it and for what?
For what reason?
For jealousy!
Because I have the gift
of claiming girls for my own.
It is true I am
a strong influence on my girls.
I am proud of it!
I influence them to be
aware of all the possibilities of life...
of beauty, honor, courage.
I do not, Miss Mackay, influence them
to look for slime where it does not exist!
I am going.
When my class convenes,
my pupils will find me composed...
and prepared to reveal to them
the succession of the Stuarts.
And on Sunday, I will go to Cramond
to visit Mr. Lowther.
We are accustomed,
bachelor and spinster...
to spend our Sundays together
in sailing and walking the beaches...
and in the pursuit
of music.
Mr. Lowther is teaching me
to play the mandolin.
Good day, Miss Mackay.
Uh, Mr. Lowther...
I am sure I need not
suggest to you that we keep...
the details of Miss Brodie's
little... tantrum to ourselves.
- Yes...
- I've no doubt that you, as well as I...
- have her interests at heart.
- Well, l...
Thank you,
Mr. Lowther.
No doubt you have
other duties to attend to.
Oh, yes. Yes, Miss Mackay.
Thank you. Thank you very much.