I am going.
When my class convenes,
my pupils will find me composed...
and prepared to reveal to them
the succession of the Stuarts.
And on Sunday, I will go to Cramond
to visit Mr. Lowther.
We are accustomed,
bachelor and spinster...
to spend our Sundays together
in sailing and walking the beaches...
and in the pursuit
of music.
Mr. Lowther is teaching me
to play the mandolin.
Good day, Miss Mackay.
Uh, Mr. Lowther...
I am sure I need not
suggest to you that we keep...
the details of Miss Brodie's
little... tantrum to ourselves.
- Yes...
- I've no doubt that you, as well as I...
- have her interests at heart.
- Well, l...
Thank you,
Mr. Lowther.
No doubt you have
other duties to attend to.
Oh, yes. Yes, Miss Mackay.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Jean, you were heroic!
Oh, to see you like that,
it was really inspiring!
If only I could have stood up
like that to Mr. Gaunt, if I said...
"Look here, Mr. Gaunt. If you have
one authentic shred of evidence, just one..."
- What are you talking about?
- Mr. Gaunt called to see me the night before last.
He advised me to resign as organist
and elder of the church. He spoke plainly.
And what did you answer?
I resigned.
And you allowed this
evil-minded man...
a man who uses his position
as deacon of the Kirk...
to receive the slanderous gossip
of petty provincials...
it isn't just gossip.
You do not go home
on Sunday nights.
They had no proof!
None whatever.