Rumors are flying.
Are you out?
Hmph! On the contrary,
Miss Mackay experienced...
the utmost difficulty
in persuading me to stay.
How I wish I might have heard her plea.
The utmost difficulty.
You've been painting Jenny.
- Yes, that's right.
- I am glad, very glad.
She's getting more beautiful each year.
She quite amazes me.
You see it too.
You're an artist.
You see things other men don't see.
You must see it.
Jenny's quite
a pretty girl.
Pretty? No, no.
It's much more than that.
She has... extraordinary
physical instincts...
Primitive and free.
What are you
up to, Jean?
I'm only trying to tell you
I've always felt thatJenny...
could be
magnificently elevated...
above the ordinary rung
of lovers.
What are you
talking about?
It's just that I've
always known that one day...
you would paintJenny.
Paint Jenny?
Jean, I think you're quite aware
of what you're doing.