You ain't such an early bird yourself!
I almost gave up on you,
figured you'd gone home.
- You need more slats in that bed.
- Ain't no slats in it at all.
Some kind of a Chinese rope bed
torture contraption, I'd burn...
You got it! How much is there?
You still game?
I was born game,
and I intend to go out that way.
All right, one understanding:
We leave this afternoon to get him.
- You're not going!
- You misjudge me.
I can't go up against Pepper's gang,
looking after a baby at the same time!
- I'm not a baby.
- There's no hot grub or warm beds.
I've slept out at night before
while hunting coons.
This ain't no coon-hunt.
It's no place for a kid.
- They said that about coon-hunting.
- You'll be calling for Mama!
I've left off crying.
Make up your mind. If you're not
game, I'll find somebody who is.
I know you can drink whisky,
and I saw you kill a rat,
but all the rest has been talk,
and I'm not paying for talk.
- I ought to paddle your rump!
- How do you propose to do that?
If I smelled as bad as you,
I wouldn't live near people!
I've made up a short agreement
between us.
Sign it.
Here's $25.
I'll give you another $25 when we
leave and $50 when the job is done.
We can get started at first light.
We'll cross the ferry and talk
to an informer in the Indian Nation.
He might know something.
I'll be more than ready.
Well, General...
Look what we got.