I wouldn't be surprised to learn
he's a relative of yours!
- Morning.
- Good morning.
- Where's Mr Cogburn?
- Sleep late. Very drunk last night.
I've never seen anybody in bed
at 10 a.m. Who wasn't sick.
You ain't such an early bird yourself!
I almost gave up on you,
figured you'd gone home.
- You need more slats in that bed.
- Ain't no slats in it at all.
Some kind of a Chinese rope bed
torture contraption, I'd burn...
You got it! How much is there?
You still game?
I was born game,
and I intend to go out that way.
All right, one understanding:
We leave this afternoon to get him.
- You're not going!
- You misjudge me.
I can't go up against Pepper's gang,
looking after a baby at the same time!
- I'm not a baby.
- There's no hot grub or warm beds.
I've slept out at night before
while hunting coons.
This ain't no coon-hunt.
It's no place for a kid.
- They said that about coon-hunting.
- You'll be calling for Mama!
I've left off crying.
Make up your mind. If you're not
game, I'll find somebody who is.