Women in Love

How are your th!ghs?
My th!ghs?
How are they? Are they strong?
Because l want to drown !n flesh.
Hot, phys!cal, naked flesh.
Come here. You're dy!ng for !t, aren't you?
You are h!deous and r!d!culous
l!ke all the rest.

Come here, you s!lly b!tch!
You red cow!
Good even!ng, M!ss Brangwen.
Anyth!ng wrong, Palmer?
No offence, Mr. Cr!ch.
l was born here, and l'll d!e here,
unt!l l fly away.

Don't fly away t!ll you come to our p!cn!c.
D!d you !mag!ne yourself
!n the m!dst of all th!s, my dear?

-lt does look rather awful.
-Can you !mag!ne what !t'll be l!ke?

-l suppose we could get away from !t all.
-Pol!ce to keep you !n.

The Cr!ches are afra!d
you'll run off w!th the s!lver.

-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.

-Please, Father, may l have just a l!ttle beer?

-You can just have a l!ttle.

-Just one more?
-We're go!ng for a d!p, Father.

-My dear, be sure...
-You dr!nk!ng, W!n!fred?

...not to stay !n the water too long.
