Women in Love

Don't fly away t!ll you come to our p!cn!c.
D!d you !mag!ne yourself
!n the m!dst of all th!s, my dear?

-lt does look rather awful.
-Can you !mag!ne what !t'll be l!ke?

-l suppose we could get away from !t all.
-Pol!ce to keep you !n.

The Cr!ches are afra!d
you'll run off w!th the s!lver.

-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.

-Please, Father, may l have just a l!ttle beer?

-You can just have a l!ttle.

-Just one more?
-We're go!ng for a d!p, Father.

-My dear, be sure...
-You dr!nk!ng, W!n!fred?

...not to stay !n the water too long.
R!ght, let's have !t then.
One cha!n of orch!ds st!ll here.
There's only one left.

Now, here's three balls for you.
There you go.

Th!s !s Mr. B!rk!n.
How do you do? l hope you're keep!ng well.
Yes, thank you, l'm f!t.
Hello, Mrs. Brangwen.
l know Gudrun and Ursula qu!te well.

Yes, l've heard them talk about you
often enough.

Mr. and Mrs. Brangwen?
l'm so glad you could come.
How do you do?

You forgot our !nv!tat!on last year.

Would you l!ke tea here, or !n the house?
Can't we have a row!ng boat and get out?
Get out?
You see, we know hardly anyone here.
We're almost complete strangers.
