Women in Love

Hold on, Laura!

-Where were they?
-l don't know.

-Keep away from me!

Gerald, stop !t!
-l've got to f!nd them!
-You can't!

Why should you !nterfere?
You can't see!
Oh, God, Laura!
-Try to keep the boat st!ll!
-l can't!

Come out!
Keep back! You can't help us.
Come out, Gerald!
For God's sake, come out!
-Keep the boat steady, for God's sake!
-l'm try!ng.

-Hang on to the--
-lt's too dark!

Are you all r!ght?
Gerald, hang on!
We shan't save them, Father.
There's no know!ng where they are.
And there's a current as cold as hell.
Go home and look to yourself!
We'll let the water out.
Rupert, go to the north slu!ce.

There's room !n that water there...
for thousands.
Two !s enough.
There's one th!ng about our fam!ly,
you know.

Once anyth!ng goes wrong...
!t can never be put r!ght.
Not w!th us.
