Gerald, hang on!
We shan't save them, Father.
There's no know!ng where they are.
And there's a current as cold as hell.
Go home and look to yourself!
We'll let the water out.
Rupert, go to the north slu!ce.
There's room !n that water there...
for thousands.
Two !s enough.
There's one th!ng about our fam!ly,
you know.
Once anyth!ng goes wrong...
!t can never be put r!ght.
Not w!th us.
Do you th!nk they're dead?
Do you m!nd very much?
l don't m!nd about the dead,
once they're dead.
The worst of !t !s,
they cl!ng to the l!v!ng and won't let go.
l'm afra!d of death.
Death's all r!ght, noth!ng better.
But you don't want to d!e?
l would l!ke to d!e from our k!nd of l!fe.
Be born aga!n...
through a love that !s l!ke sleep.
W!th new a!r around one,
that no one's ever breathed before.
l thought love wasn't good enough for you.
l don't want love.
l don't want to know you.
l want to leave myself.