Do you th!nk they're dead?
Do you m!nd very much?
l don't m!nd about the dead,
once they're dead.
The worst of !t !s,
they cl!ng to the l!v!ng and won't let go.
l'm afra!d of death.
Death's all r!ght, noth!ng better.
But you don't want to d!e?
l would l!ke to d!e from our k!nd of l!fe.
Be born aga!n...
through a love that !s l!ke sleep.
W!th new a!r around one,
that no one's ever breathed before.
l thought love wasn't good enough for you.
l don't want love.
l don't want to know you.
l want to leave myself.
l want you to be lost to yourself...
so we are found d!fferent.
We shouldn't talk
when we're t!red and wretched.
Say you love me.
Say ''my love'' to me.
l love you r!ght enough.
l just want !t to be someth!ng else.
Why !sn't !t enough?
Because we can go one better.
We can't.
We can only say we love each other.
Say ''my love'' to me.
Say !t.
Yes, my love.