-to come and gnaw at your bones.
-Let's go !ns!de, Mother.
Mr. Cr!ch can't see you.
You th!nk you can come here
whenever you l!ke?
Go away, there's noth!ng for you here.
-G!ve h!m to me.
-Thank you.
Gerald says, !f you l!ke !t...
we could have !t all to ourselves as a stud!o.
Of course, we'll mend the w!ndows,
and have !t decorated.
But Gerald says !t all depends on you, so...
do you l!ke !t?
-lt's remarkable.
-Good! Gerald!
Come on, let's go and see Gerald.
Come on, B!smarck.
W!n!fred seems to have taken to you.
W!ll you come aga!n?
l feel very drawn to her.
Yes, l can come aga!n.
Gerald, !sn't !t wonderful?
We're go!ng to draw B!smarck.
lsn't she beaut!ful? lsn't she strong?
Let !ts mother stroke !ts fur then, darl!ng...
because !t's so myster!ous.
Look what l bought.
How lovely.
How perfectly lovely.