Women in Love

l feel very drawn to her.
Yes, l can come aga!n.
Gerald, !sn't !t wonderful?
We're go!ng to draw B!smarck.

lsn't she beaut!ful? lsn't she strong?
Let !ts mother stroke !ts fur then, darl!ng...
because !t's so myster!ous.
Look what l bought.
How lovely.
How perfectly lovely.
-But why d!d you g!ve them to me?
-l wanted to.

Am l called on to f!nd reasons?
Opals are unlucky, aren't they?
l prefer unlucky th!ngs.
Luck !s vulgar.
Who wants what luck would br!ng? l don't.

They can be made a l!ttle b!gger.
l'm glad you bought them.
Won't !t be lovely, go!ng home !n the dark?
l prom!sed to go to Shortlands ton!ght
to have d!nner w!th Gerald.

-lt doesn't matter, you can go tomorrow.
-Herm!one's there.

She's go!ng away !n a couple of days.
l suppose l ought to say goodbye to her.

-You don't m!nd, do you?
-No, why should l m!nd?

Well, that's what l asked myself.
Why should you m!nd?

-But you seem to.
-l assure you, l don't m!nd !n the least.

lf that's where you feel you belong,
then that's where you must go.
