-There's a b!cycle com!ng.
-l don't care.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Maybe !t's true...
l!es, d!rt and all.
But Herm!one's sp!r!tual !nt!macy
!s no rottener...
than your emot!onal jealous !nt!macy.
l am not jealous.
What l say, l say because !t's true.
You're a false and foul l!ar.
That's what l say, and you hear !t.
Very good.
The only hopeless th!ng !s a fool.
Yes, qu!te r!ght.
So you take back your r!ngs...
and buy yourself a female elsewhere.
l'm sure there'll be plenty of women
who'll be qu!te w!ll!ng...
to share !n your sp!r!tual mess.
See what a flower l've found you?
D!d l abuse you?
l shall have my own back.