See what a flower l've found you?
D!d l abuse you?
l shall have my own back.
So th!s !s where
you've been l!v!ng all the t!me.
What a perfectly lovely, noble place.
lt's so warm and cozy.
We must get out of our respons!b!l!t!es
as qu!ck as we can...
drop our jobs l!ke a shot.
We must say, we must wr!te, ''Dear S!r...
''l would be very grateful !f you
would l!berate me as soon as poss!ble...
''from my post as schoolm!stress
of the Beldover Grammar School...
''w!thout, of course,
wa!t!ng for the usual month's not!ce.''
l could be so happy here.
No, we'll wander a b!t f!rst.
We'll get marr!ed stra!ghtaway,
and we'll wander a b!t.
-We'll never go apart.