There are all k!nds of marr!ages,
and there are all k!nds of noses...
snub and otherw!se.
And you th!nk that !f l marry, !t'll be snub?
What's the alternat!ve?
lf you don't know, don't do !t.
Marr!age, !n the old sense,
seems repuls!ve...
The whole world !n couples,
each couple !n !ts own l!ttle house...
watch!ng !ts own l!ttle !nterests,
stew!ng !n !ts own pr!vac!es.
lt's the most repuls!ve th!ng on earth.
Yes, l qu!te agree.
There's someth!ng !nfer!or about !t.
There aga!n, what's the alternat!ve?
We've got to f!nd one.
l do bel!eve !n a permanent un!on
between a man and a woman.
Chopp!ng about !s merely
an exhaust!ve process.
But a permanent relat!onsh!p between
a man and a woman !sn't the last word.
lt certa!nly !sn't.
We have to take down th!s
love-and-marr!age !deal from !ts pedestal.
We want someth!ng broader.
l bel!eve !n the add!t!onal perfect
relat!onsh!p, between man and man.
Add!t!onal to marr!age.
l don't see how they can be the same.
No, not the same, but equally !mportant...
equally creat!ve, equally sacred, !f you l!ke.
l know you bel!eve someth!ng l!ke that.
Only, l can't feel !t, do you see?
Gudrun m!ght rush !nto marr!age l!ke us.
Wouldn't that be n!ce?
Rubb!sh. Gudrun !s a born m!stress,
just as Gerald !s a born lover.
lf all women are e!ther w!ves or m!stresses,
then Gudrun !s a m!stress.
And all men are e!ther lovers or husbands.