One has a hanker!ng after
a sort of further fellowsh!p.
Why should you hanker after other people?
Why should you need them?
Don't you need them?
Or does !t just end w!th us two, then?
Yes. What more do you want?
lf people care to come along, we'll let them.
But !t must happen. You can't
do anyth!ng about !t w!th your w!ll.
You always seem to th!nk
you can force the flowers to come out.
People must love us because they do.
You can't make them.
l know.
But must one just go on
as !f one's alone !n the world?
You've got me.
Why should you need others?
You must just learn to be alone.
Two teas, please.
D!d you know that Gerald Cr!ch suggested
we all go away together at Chr!stmas?
Yes, he's spoken to Rupert about !t.
Don't you th!nk !t's amaz!ngly cool?
l rather l!ke h!m for !t.
And what d!d Rupert say?
He sa!d !t would be most awfully jolly.
Well, don't you th!nk !t would be?
l th!nk !t m!ght be awfully jolly, as you say...
but don't you th!nk !t was an unpardonable
l!berty speak!ng to Rupert l!ke that?
l mean, Ursula, they could be two men...
arrang!ng an out!ng
w!th some l!ttle type they p!cked up.
Oh, no.
Noth!ng l!ke that.
l th!nk the fr!endsh!p between
Rupert and Gerald !s rather beaut!ful.
They're so s!mple. They say anyth!ng
to each other, l!ke brothers.
There's someth!ng l love about Gerald.