Women in Love

Yes, he's spoken to Rupert about !t.
Don't you th!nk !t's amaz!ngly cool?
l rather l!ke h!m for !t.
And what d!d Rupert say?
He sa!d !t would be most awfully jolly.
Well, don't you th!nk !t would be?
l th!nk !t m!ght be awfully jolly, as you say...
but don't you th!nk !t was an unpardonable
l!berty speak!ng to Rupert l!ke that?

l mean, Ursula, they could be two men...
arrang!ng an out!ng
w!th some l!ttle type they p!cked up.

Oh, no.
Noth!ng l!ke that.
l th!nk the fr!endsh!p between
Rupert and Gerald !s rather beaut!ful.

They're so s!mple. They say anyth!ng
to each other, l!ke brothers.

There's someth!ng l love about Gerald.
He's really much more lovable
than l thought h!m.

He's free, Gudrun.
He really !s.
Do you know where he proposes to go?
Near Zermatt.
l don't know where exactly.
lt would be rather lovely, don't you th!nk?
H!gh up, !n the perfect snow.
Very lovely.
l th!nk Gerald spoke to Rupert about !t...
so that !t shouldn't seem
l!ke an out!ng w!th a...

l know that he does commonly take up
w!th that sort.

Does he?
How do you know?
l know of a model !n Chelsea.
