a b!g pan w!th a plank on !t...
and your father mak!ng love...
to a street whore !n the corner?
Do you understand?
How old are you?
Your husband?
Come along,
l w!ll show you someth!ng !nterest!ng.
l want to show you someth!ng.
Th!s !s.... No, th!s.
My factory, !t's colossal.
Someth!ng spec!al.
lt's beaut!ful.
Why d!d you make the horse so st!ff?
Yes. St!ff.
l mean, look at that stock,
stup!d, brutal th!ng.
A horse !s a very sens!t!ve creature...
qu!te del!cate, really...
but sens!t!ve.
Well, !t's not a p!cture of a fr!endly horse...
to wh!ch you g!ve a lump of sugar,
gnadige Frau...