Someth!ng spec!al.
lt's beaut!ful.
Why d!d you make the horse so st!ff?
Yes. St!ff.
l mean, look at that stock,
stup!d, brutal th!ng.
A horse !s a very sens!t!ve creature...
qu!te del!cate, really...
but sens!t!ve.
Well, !t's not a p!cture of a fr!endly horse...
to wh!ch you g!ve a lump of sugar,
gnadige Frau...
lt's part of a work of art.
lt has no relat!on w!th anyth!ng that's...
outs!de the world of art.
Yes, but !t's st!ll a p!cture of a horse,
!sn't !t?
lt's not a p!cture of a cow, certa!nly not.
Where !s she now, the model?
She was a nu!sance.
Not for a m!nute would she keep st!ll.
Not unt!l l'd slapped her hard
and made her cry.
Then she'd s!t for f!ve m!nutes.
D!d you really slap her?
Yes, l d!d.
Harder than l have ever
beat anyth!ng !n my l!fe.
l had to, for the sake of my art.
Love has no place !n your world of art.
L'amour, l'amore, die Liebe.
l detest !t !n every language.
What does th!s matter
!f l wear th!s hat or another?