So love !s only for conven!ence.
l would g!ve everyth!ng...
everyth!ng, all you love...
for a l!ttle compan!onsh!p and !ntell!gence.
l want to go away.
-Do you?
-Don't you?
l hadn't thought about !t.
l hadn't thought about !t.
l hate the snow.
The unnatural l!ght !t throws on everybody.
The ghastly glamour of !t all.
And the unnatural feel!ngs
!t makes everybody have.
We can go away !f you l!ke.
We can go tomorrow.
We can go to Verona
and f!nd Romeo and Jul!et...
and s!t !n the amph!theatre.
Yes, l'd love to be Romeo and Jul!et.
A fearfully cold w!nd blows
through Verona from out of the Alps.
Are you glad you're go!ng?
No, l don't want to be laughed at.
-Do you love me?
-Yes, yes.
-Do you love me?
Why !s your mouth so hard?
Why !s yours frozen sol!d?
Why do you gr!p your l!ps?
Never you m!nd. That's my way.
Do you know what it is to suffer
when you're with a woman?
lt tears you l!ke a s!lk.