Women in Love

and s!t !n the amph!theatre.
Yes, l'd love to be Romeo and Jul!et.
A fearfully cold w!nd blows
through Verona from out of the Alps.

Are you glad you're go!ng?
No, l don't want to be laughed at.
-Do you love me?
-Yes, yes.

-Do you love me?

Why !s your mouth so hard?
Why !s yours frozen sol!d?
Why do you gr!p your l!ps?
Never you m!nd. That's my way.
Do you know what it is to suffer
when you're with a woman?

lt tears you l!ke a s!lk.
And each b!t and stroke burns hot.
Of course, l wouldn't not have had !t.
lt was a complete exper!ence.
She's a wonderful woman,
but l hate her somewhere.

lt's cur!ous.
You've had your exper!ence now.
Why work on an old wound?

Because there's noth!ng else.
l've loved you, as well as Gudrun.
Don't forget.

Have you? Or do you th!nk you have?
-You'll be all r!ght.
-Take care.

-Bye, Gerald.

Be good.
Goodbye, Gerald.
