And each b!t and stroke burns hot.
Of course, l wouldn't not have had !t.
lt was a complete exper!ence.
She's a wonderful woman,
but l hate her somewhere.
lt's cur!ous.
You've had your exper!ence now.
Why work on an old wound?
Because there's noth!ng else.
l've loved you, as well as Gudrun.
Don't forget.
Have you? Or do you th!nk you have?
-You'll be all r!ght.
-Take care.
-Bye, Gerald.
Be good.
Goodbye, Gerald.
Bye, Gudrun.
See you soon.
Why are you s!tt!ng !n the dark?
Look at that lovely star up there.
Do you know !ts name?
lt's very f!ne.
lsn't !t beaut!ful?
Do you see how !t darts
d!fferent colored f!res?
lt's superb.
Do you regret the!r leav!ng?