and various parasitic agents.
So the treatment of men
with appropriate solutions
is indispensable.
The 1st stage occurs
in the schools
if you'll pardon the metaphor,
the sprouts are still very young.
The 2nd treatment
occurs when they begin to bloom
as college students
or young workers.
The draft is the best time
to spray and save the sacred
tree of national liberty
from the disease
of ideological mildew.
Air-dropped leaflets are telling
our peasants of a new kind
of ideological mildew
beginning to ravage our land.
This new variety
is spreading insidiously.
It's a sly enemy
pushing us away
from God and the Crown.
It's against this enemy
that our action is aimed.
Don't take notes!
It's all in our pamphlet.
With the outbreak of isms,
like socialism, anarchism,
imperialism or communism,
sunspots start to multiply
on the face of the golden orb.
God refuses to enlighten the Reds!
Scientists forecast
an increase in sunspots
due to the arrival of the beatniks
and pacifists from certain countries
such as ltaly,
France and Scandinavia!
As head of Law and Order
here in the north,
I wish to tell you,
who are high civil servants,
we must preserve
the healthy elements
of our society
and heal those that are ill.
Tonight the enemy's holding
a meeting on our city.