One can prevent mildew
by spraying with copper sulfate.
There are 2 classic solutions used,
one from Bordeaux,the other from Burgundy.
Burgundy being a region in France
which is reputed for its wine.
Three sprayings a year are required.
The first when the shoots reach
two or three centimetres long,
the second just before or afterthe flowering,
and the third a month later.
The treatment is preventative
and must not be neglected.
Gentlemen, I'll finish my speechon mildew prevention.
I remind youthat as in previous years,
airplanes and flyers will be placed
at your disposalto remind the farmers that mildew,
a disease that destroys vines,appeared simultaneously
with that other ideological diseasewhich has devastated men.
But the Chief of Policewill develop this point.
Any similarity to actual personsor events is deliberate
As the Under-secretaryof Agriculture said,
3 treatments are necessary.
An ideological illnessis like mildew
and requires preventive measures.
Like mildew,
it is dueto septic germs