
The papers!
The cops put the blame on us!

"The broadcasting of the speech
was a provocation.

"The anti-national tone
"of the attack on foreign policy
aroused the crowd at once.

"Hence the violence.
"The police handled
the situation efficiently

"yet 13 policemen
were injured in the course of duty."

So said the Gen. to the Press!
We must answer that!
Yes, and stress
the pacifist nature of our rally.

We had permission...
So the cops
could do a better job on us!

But we have no proof!
Nothing valid!
We can only deplore
the police's passiveness.

Later we'll underline
all the contradictions.

Why not call the Red Cross
or the Rights of Man Commission?

You're making a cry-baby defense!
We must attack
and expose those responsible!

- Take up arms in the streets?!
- Why not?

Anything goes?
We can consider...
Nothing at all! It must be legal!
- We've been legal for years!
- This is no time to change!

It's our only way!
Or the affair could backfire!
Aren't you ashamed?
He's dying in there!

We've no case against them!
And the threats on his life?
He too ignored them!
But that was yesterday!
Will your guy talk now?
Statement to the Press?
I doubt it.
He was scared then of reprisals.
