Come winter, she die.
Like you, one time
big grand English...
Now horse, toujours...
Pour toujours
et tous les jours.
Shut up!
Stop that idiotic giggling,
you bloody fool
and listen to me.
l've had enough
of your nonsense.
Now, you play your fool
to them, but not to me.
l'm going
to get out of here
and you're going
to help me.
And why l do this?
Because you want
to get out, that's why.
Now, these other lndians
around here you spoke of
we'll need a war party
to get through them.
l don't suppose
these SiouX have any guns?
What they know about guns?
Never see guns.
Must fight close.
More brave to touch enemy.
They count coup.
You look, hmm?
You like, hmm?
l have a big idea...
You marry Running Deer.
Then maybe Yellow Hand
give you war party...
All that for you,
grand white gentleman.
She say no
to Black Eagle
and give herself
away to horse.
Hey, but, ah, you got mane.
Not even old squaw
kiss hair on face.
l have a lot to learn, Batise,
and you are going to teach me.