Will you...enough
not to let me go?
l'm sorry. You've been honest
with me from the beginning--
no false hopes, no promises.
l'm not as honest as you think.
l said l invented excuses
not to go home.
But l didn't mention why l stay.
l tell myself l've got to
hold things together...
for the children's sake.
But l'm not sure that's true
or even kind.
They know what's going on,
and it's hurting them,
especially Roberta.
l think about
my mother and father, and...
God knows they had
their ups and downs.
But somehow they...
somehow they worked it out.
l feel l should do the same,
or else l've failed.
l don't like to fail.
l don't know what to do.
Maybe you love your wife
more than you realize.
No. No.
Not for a long time.
The only thing we've got
in common is our address.
l'm not pressing you, Mel.
l wouldn't play
that kind of game.
But l better take
that job in San Francisco.
Mrs. Livingston.
-Excuse me, Mrs. Livingston,
but customs just called.
The chief wants you.
He says it's important.
All right.
One of our passengers
is demanding...
to speak to someone in authority
from Trans Global.
[Door opens and closes]