
l don't know what to do.
Maybe you love your wife
more than you realize.

No. No.
Not for a long time.
The only thing we've got
in common is our address.

l'm not pressing you, Mel.
l wouldn't play
that kind of game.

But l better take
that job in San Francisco.

Mrs. Livingston.
-Excuse me, Mrs. Livingston,

but customs just called.
The chief wants you.
He says it's important.

All right.
One of our passengers
is demanding...

to speak to someone in authority
from Trans Global.

[Door opens and closes]
Will you explain to this man
that this isn't the Dark Ages,

that nowadays
stores in this country...

import clothes from France?
lf you'd look, you'd see
the Bergdorf Goodman labels.

Oh, l did look, madam,
rather closely,

and l find the sewing
of the labels...

isn't up to Bergdorf's
usual standard.

They're always
very professional, very neat.

As you can see, that's...
that's a pretty sloppy job.

But l suppose everybody's
having trouble getting...

good help these days.
Especially the customs service.
[Dog whining]
Well, what's the matter, boy?
ls there something the matter?
Oh, your collar's too tight.
Officer, about the fur
and the dresses,

perhaps l made a mistake.
l did buy them there,
and there are some other...
