Oh, he has fainting spells.
When he feels one coming on,
he takes a whiff of oxygen.
Sometimes it helps.
Don't let him kid you.
lt's an F.A.A. regulation.
Over 25,000, if one of us leaves
the flight deck,
the other one must go on oxygen.
lt's just a precaution.
Why didn't you ring?
l could have brought you that.
Up there, l'd have to be formal.
Up there, l couldn't
tell you, uh...
how sorry l am.
-How do you feel?
-l feel great, Vern.
No fainting spells.
No craving for pickles.
No morning sickness.
lt's funny. l didn't think
you were the kind of a guy...
who would worry
about a thing like this.
Neither did l.
You know, before,
you said that you thought
l loved you just a little.
You're wrong. l--l love you
a lot more than just a little.
l didn't know
he was going to Rome.
He said he was going
to Milwaukee.
Here, lnez.
Take another sip of this.
But this was in your purse.
You must have known.
lt just came tonight, special.
l only saw it after he left.
Does your husband have business
in ltaly?
What is your husband's business?