lt's funny. l didn't think
you were the kind of a guy...
who would worry
about a thing like this.
Neither did l.
You know, before,
you said that you thought
l loved you just a little.
You're wrong. l--l love you
a lot more than just a little.
l didn't know
he was going to Rome.
He said he was going
to Milwaukee.
Here, lnez.
Take another sip of this.
But this was in your purse.
You must have known.
lt just came tonight, special.
l only saw it after he left.
Does your husband have business
in ltaly?
What is your husband's business?
Oh, he's, uh, he was...
he did excavations
for buildings.
You've said "Fwas."F He's not
in that business anymore?
Things...went wrong.
-Financial trouble?
Bad trouble?
Broke? ln debt?
Then how did he pay
for his ticket?
l think, uh...
he pawned my mother's
wedding ring.
When l looked tonight
in the case, it was empty.
He--he just...
can't seem to hold a job lately.
Why not?
He gets in arguments.
They fire him.
lt's his temper.
He's been like that...
ever since he got out
of the hospital.
What sort of hospital?
Army hospital.
Yes, but, uh, l mean,
what was he in the hospital for?
He, uh...
was sick.