Approach control,
who's taking the hand-off?
Frank has east arrivals.
MAN: Continental 73,
due to emergency,
continue to hold at Joliet.
Maintain 8,000.
The Center will hand off
Global two in three minutes.
He's all yours.
Stick with it.
We'll take everything else.
You'll have the runway
as soon as we know.
OK, son...let's get going.
Ready to start. Pressurize.
[Airplane engines start]
MAN: Light on number three.
30 miles east of the airport,
contact Lincoln approach
control. 118 point niner.
-Good luck.
Lincoln approach, Global two.
Global two,
Lincoln approach control.
We're still hoping
for runway two-niner.
We should know
in three to five minutes.
Roger, Lincoln. Keep us advised.
Global two,
25 miles east of outer marker,
turn right, heading 260.
Begin descent at your
discretion to 2,000.