Mobile One, snow desk.
Go ahead, Danny.
The equipment is in position,
standing by, ready to move.
Roger. But be clear--
if the plows go in,
l'll give the order--
no one else.
Right. Better you than me.
You'll do a hatchet job
on that plane.
Then the owners
will do the same to you.
lf the owners were on the plane,
they'd agree with me.
-Roger. Standing by.
-Mobile One, ground control.
The Center estimates hand-off to
Lincoln approach control at 17.
This gives you 11 minutes
to make a decision.
l must be kept informed of exact
status of approaching flight.
Can we hold
this frequency clear?
Affirmative. We've moved regular
traffic to another frequency.
Can you also put stuck 707 on
same frequency so l can monitor?
-May l speak to Patroni?
That's OK.
Approach control,
who's taking the hand-off?
Frank has east arrivals.
MAN: Continental 73,
due to emergency,
continue to hold at Joliet.
Maintain 8,000.
The Center will hand off
Global two in three minutes.
He's all yours.
Stick with it.
We'll take everything else.
You'll have the runway
as soon as we know.
OK, son...let's get going.
Ready to start. Pressurize.
[Airplane engines start]
MAN: Light on number three.