Did we finally really do it?
O God, bless, we pray You,
our great army and its supreme commander
on the eve of a holy war,
undertaken for Your sake.
And grant, in the name of Your prophet,
our great Lawgiver,
that we, Your chosen servants,
created and born in Your divine image,
may aspire the more perfectly to
that spiritual godliness and bodily beauty
which You in Your infinite mercy
have thought fit to deny
to our brutish enemies!
So be it.
There they go, Dr Zaius
trotting along beside them.
Don't be too hard on the old boy, Zira.
His motives are honest.
He has only one motive: to keep things
exactly as they have always been.
l say that it's time for a change.
But Zira, we chimpanzees are too few.
How can we take initiative
when they are in control?
Love yes, war no!
- No more lies, no more crud!
- No more guns, no more blood!
Stop! Stop! Stop the war!
- Freedom! Freedom!
- Whoa!
- Freedom!
- Peace!
Peace and freedom!
- Get offthe road, young people.
- Freedom!
- We want freedom!
- Get 'em out ofthe way.
- Wait.
- We want freedom! We want peace!
We don't want martyrs, do we?
We want peace! We want freedom!
- Sergeant? Do it quietly.
- No clubs, no clubs.