Don't be too hard on the old boy, Zira.
His motives are honest.
He has only one motive: to keep things
exactly as they have always been.
l say that it's time for a change.
But Zira, we chimpanzees are too few.
How can we take initiative
when they are in control?
Love yes, war no!
- No more lies, no more crud!
- No more guns, no more blood!
Stop! Stop! Stop the war!
- Freedom! Freedom!
- Whoa!
- Freedom!
- Peace!
Peace and freedom!
- Get offthe road, young people.
- Freedom!
- We want freedom!
- Get 'em out ofthe way.
- Wait.
- We want freedom! We want peace!
We don't want martyrs, do we?
We want peace! We want freedom!
- Sergeant? Do it quietly.
- No clubs, no clubs.
We want peace! We want freedom!
Gorilla brutality!