Captain Major.
- Just about as clear as mud, isn't it?
- That's what it's just about as clear as.
Listen, Captain.
You're familiar with Major Duluth,
the Squadron Commander?
- He's a fine man, sir.
- Was.
- Sir?
- Major Duluth is dead.
- I'm extremely distraught to hear that, sir.
- You may be distraught, but he's dead.
Shot down over Perugia this afternoon.
That'll teach him to go on missions
when he's supposed to be in the office.
- Sir, I don't see...
- We need a new squadron commander.
And you're the only major available
on our headquarters staff.
No, Major is my name, not my rank.
That's close enough for me, Major.
Consider yourself a major.
I don't know anything
about being a commander.
We all have to make sacrifices, Major.
Sir, I'm in Billeting and Laundry!
I know that, sir, but we all
have to do our part, I guess.
Well, I don't like my part.
Sergeant, I'm...
I'm going to take
the rest of the afternoon off and...
...lie down in my tent
and think about things.
Sir, there's someone waiting to see you.
- Now?
- Yes, sir.
- Who is it?
- Captain Tappman, the Group Chaplain.
- What does he want?
- I don't know, sir.
Something to do
with Captain Yossarian.
Look... Sergeant...
The job that I have to do is tough enough
without having to deal with a lot of people
who want something. Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
- I suppose you're wondering about this.
- It's not my place to wonder.
- People stare at me. Did you know that?
- No, sir.
They're thinking,
"Who is that Major Major,"
"that he gets to be commander
without ever having flown?"