- Tear him apart!
- Smack him in the face!
- Jab him in the kidneys!
- Kick him in the balls!
Keep your head down between your legs.
Try to breathe deeply and evenly.
I'm sorry, Captain.
I know how that must feel.
- I don't think so.
- Try not to talk.
Just think about nice things.
Think about how lovely it is here.
How lovely everything could be
if someone didn't always try to spoil it.
- Why do you always try to spoil it?
- Because I love you.
Well, I know that, Captain.
I know that.
But this is wartime.
We've got a job to do, Soldier.
We just can't give in to ourselves.
Think how it is for me: One of a handful
of women on an island
with thousands of men.
Men who are giving up their lives
for our country, for me.
Think of that... Captain Yossarian!
- What are you doing?
- Listen, I'm gonna die.
No, no, no...
What is it?
What's the matter?
The name of the town is Ferrara, and...
...it's right around here.
It's a very pretty town, on the coast.
- You all right?
- It's her, it's her!
- Who?
- Dreedle's WAC!
...if you do your job well, there won't be
anything left of it, anyway.
Intelligence reports indicate that
you shouldn't have to worry about flak.
We were hoping for some
new recon photos of the area.
Unfortunately, they haven't arrived, but
as I always say: No news is good news.
You may ask yourselves how come
we're to destroy a town with no industry,