Aarfy, are you insane?
They're gonna throw you in jail.
You just killed a girl.
She's lying out there in the street!
She has no right to be there, you know.
It's after curfew.
Don't you realize what you've done?
You've murdered a human being!
They can hang you!
I don't think they'll do that.
Not to good old Aarfy.
They won't make a fuss
over one Italian girl
when thousands of lives
are lost every day.
Aarfy, they're coming to arrest you.
You can't take the life of another
human being and get away with it!
They're coming to get you!
- Captain Yossarian?
- Yes.
- You're under arrest.
- But I didn't...
You're AWOL.
- We're sending you home.
- What?
I said we're sending you home.
You have been making things terribly
difficult for Colonel Cathcart.
The men are unhappy.
Morale is deteriorating. It's all your fault.
It's his fault for raising
the number of missions.
- It's your fault for not flying.
- Have you no patriotism?
Wouldn't you give your life for your
country? For Colonel Korn and me?
What have you and Colonel Korn
got to do with my country?
You're a disgrace to your country!
How did you get to be a captain?
- You promoted me.
- That has got nothing to do with it!