You're out of your mind!
l liked it,
but you took the initiative...
That's your story!
You grabbed me... and l let you
lt wasn't that way at all!
Here's exactly how you were...
Your head thrown back...
eyes closed,
lips slightly open...
like this...
You'd thought about it
About us kissing, one day
All girls think about that
They do, eh?
So you admit it!
l'll take Ghislain now
He didn't cry once
l can work at home again soon
You have some mail
lt's a certificate
You named him Alphonse?
Antoine did it!
He won't get away with it!
He knew l didn't want that name!
l'd lay her badly
but l'd lay her gladly!
Alphonse'll be a great writer
Know what l'm going to do?
Educate him myself...
at home.
Alphonse'll only learn...
important things!
We'll see...
Come, Ghislain...
Pretty little bottom...
Just like his mother!
Watch papa...
He's going to the bathroom...