I plan to marry her.
Have a drink.
No, thanks.
I've never been easy on you...
but there's no point making life
tougher than it's got to be.
Have a drink.
There isn't a club
in this town that will let me in.
I can't remember the last time
I was invited into a private house.
I don't give a damn,
I never have.
But, maybe you would.
I like Mei Li, but I don't
like the idea of this marriage.
If they were to marry, they'll be
sorry. You know all the reasons.
I know reasons.
I'm against it too.
I can't stop it,
but maybe you can.
Captain Hoxworth,
doesn't like the marriage either.
But it was Noel
who did the proposing.
No Hoxworth has broken
his word to us yet.
He isn't even asking
for a dowry.
Marry Wong boy,
marry whole family...
Marry Hoxworth,
marry one sailor.
At least he speaks our language.
He speaks Hakka?